The Three Speedometers...
"Be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger." (James 1:19)
Sounds like I have to monitor three speedometers at the same time.
How can I actually do that? I believe it means I have to tell my mind which thoughts to accelerate, put energy into, nurture and which thoughts to slow down, starve and even stop.
Here are some of my sample thoughts I can speed up and slow down:
Speed up:
"This is important to her"
"She wants to be understood"
"She wants to feel connected to me"
"Her thoughts are valuable"
"I can serve her in processing her thoughts and feelings"
"I want to affirm her"
"I can give her the same acceptance, love and grace that Jesus gives her right now.
Slow down:
"I don't agree with that"
"Here is why I don't agree with her..."
"She should listen to me"
"I can fix that"
"She can fix that"
"Here is the solution..."
"No need to say or even think that"
Slow down:
"If she would just get over it..."
"If she hadn't done this, she wouldn't have to talk about it"
"Why is she saying this again?"
"I don't need to listen to this"
"I am not doing what she says I am doing"
"I think she should talk to someone else about this"
"I would never think or do what she is thinking and doing"